Detox From the Digital World

cell phone and dinnersHow much of your time each day is being spent looking at a device of some sort? Eight hours? 15 hours? More or less? The truth is, the entire world lives a “plugged in” life. We work on our devices, we socialize through social media and email, and even watch television on our smartphones, tablets, and PCs. In ways, it is good. In others, we all need to find a way to detox from the digital world sometimes.

Why Digital Is Not Always Good

electronicsThanks to our very digital life, we are never far from work. On the one hand, it is awesome because we are always connected. We can look in on our home from work and our work from home. All it takes is a moment to shoot a message about work to a colleague.

The problem is, we often sacrifice the relationship with those that are closest to us because we don’t take time to unplug. When we work constantly, we can also become overloaded and overwhelmed by our jobs. We never escape cause technology is always right there, in our pockets, waiting on us to check in again. Isn’t it time for a day of relaxation? A day that you actually get to take off?

Unplugging…Where to Start?

phone detoxTechnology is wonderful. No one can deny it. However, we live in a world where everyone spends their time looking down at their devices. We are addicted to the way it makes us feel. Therefore, in order to put down your electronic devices, you have to acknowledge that you need it.

Don’t believe us? Give it a try. Put it down and say you won’t touch it throughout dinner time, bath time, and homework with your kids. It will be very hard to resist. If you feel the overwhelming urge to grab it, its time to consider detoxing.

You should begin by realizing that it is an addiction. From there, we encourage you to step out of the norm. Do things that cannot include a phone or a PC. For instance, visit a Hyperlite Gromcast review and go surfing for the weekend.

If that isn’t possible, you may want to simply decide to go sit in a warm tub, leaving your phone in the other room. You can plan a date night with your partner or your kids. No technology allowed. Camping trips, walks on the beach, and anything else can also be a retreat that allows you to leave the phone behind.

Tips for Getting Unplugged

Breaking the normal routine is the best thing you can do to start putting devices away. However, it cannot completely detox you. For that, you have to change your day-to-day. You can start a family dinner time. Instead of devices, everyone must talk about their day. You can commit yourself to the idea of no phone within reach on road trips. You can set rules for yourself and encourage your family to help you stick to the rules.

It starts with you and your commitment to unplugging. However, if you have kids, we promise they will help you stay on track!